Not all of our training positions are strictly 9-5 roles. You may be surprised to find that we employ part-time and casual training professionals. Many of our trainers and assessors enjoy flexible work hours. What matters the most to us is the industry knowledge and experience you bring to a role. So if you’re semi-retired or just looking to supplement your current job with additional hours, flexible work options are available with the National Food Institute.

We’ll ensure you have access to all the support you need as a trainer or assessor. We pride ourselves in providing all our training professionals with tools like tablets that can be used to carry out training and assessments. Our online training system makes it easy for you and your students to access training and assessment materials. So no matter where you’re working from, you’ll always have the resources and tools you need at your fingertips.

Career Diversity
We understand how fulfilling it can be to have new options for career growth. Many of our training professionals have supplemented their experience by teaching in food processing, horticulture, logistics, and leadership management. With a more diverse teaching experience, our trainers have enjoyed more challenging and rewarding careers in teaching and assessment.