RTO 3821

Compliance & Fees

NFI Compliance & Fees

Our Course Fees

National Food Institute has contracts with Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania Governments to deliver Government funded training to eligible individuals.

Eligibility requirements vary from state to state. Some courses are only government funded when taken as part of a traineeship, this is noted below.

Our Registered Scope

National Food Institute Pty. LTD.

TOID: 3821
ABN: 42 074 999 134
ACN: 074 999 134
Registering Body: Australian Skills Quality Authority
Status: Currently registered
Legal Authority: National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011

Visit www.training.gov.au to see our registration and scope.

Quality & Compliance

National Food Institute is registered as a national training organisation with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). We are committed to quality and compliance in the vocational education sector and maintain all our compliance requirements.

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

ASQA Quality Indicators

Employer Satisfaction (Competency Development & Training and Assessment Quality)

This indicator focuses on employers’ evaluations of learners’ competency development, its relevance to work and further training, and the overall quality of the training and assessment.

Learner Satisfaction (Learner Engagement & Competency Development)

This indicator focuses on the extent to which learners are engaging in activities likely to promote high-quality skill outcomes, as well as learners’ perceptions of the quality of their competency development and the support they receive from RTOs.

These indicators are based on a survey of 469 students and 61 employers. This sample represents 59% of this organisation’s training delivery in the 2017 calendar year.

The students and employers surveyed for these indicators were selected by this organisation in accordance with national guidelines.

Quality Indicator Annual Summary Report 2020

ASQA Renewal of Registration

Broker Arrangements

Audit Report

Complaints & Appeals Process

National Food Institute has a formal mechanism through which students are able to lodge a complaint or appeal.

Complaints & Appeals Policy and Procedure

Privacy Policy

National Food Institute adheres to the Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles.

Privacy Policy

National Food Institute is committed to continuous quality improvement.